I came across this site iwantsandy.com while I am reading a blog yesterday. This is a new web application called Sandy, your free personal email assistant. The following block of quotes in their home page encouraged me to try it.
Hi! I’m Sandy, your new assistant. I'll remember the details so you can focus on what's important.
As I understand, Sandy is a simple getting things done application which help you to manage your tasks using your e-mail client. All you have to do is sign up for an account, and the you are given a new personal email address. When you want to remember a task all you have to do is a send a mail to that email account saying that,
Remember [i have to do some thing at] 8 pm
Then Sandy will remeber it and send an email to your configured email account on that time. You have so many ways to write that message to Sandy. They have given a cheat sheet that contains detailed about how to write meaningful messages to sandy. You can do more things than one I mentioned here using Sandy. I am going to go into some details about how to use sandy to menage your work in the rest of this article.
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